Impian Live Apk Unduh Versi Anyar Gratis Pikeun Android

Laksanakeun sababaraha interaksi sareng jalma anyar ti sakumna dunya sareng damel babaturan anyar. Dream Live Apk mangrupikeun aplikasi hiburan cum jaringan sosial anu nyayogikeun platform éta pikeun anjeun.

Mangrupikeun pilihan anu pangsaéna pikeun anu ngaraos nyalira sareng teu aya anu tiasa diajak ngobrol. Ngan unduh file paket ku nganggo tautan di luhur sareng pasang kana telepon anjeun. Tapi sateuacan éta, anjeun kedah parios ulasan ieu.

Naon Dream Live Apk?

Dream Live Apk is a new entertainment platform for Android mobile phone users. It is social networking but you can use it to entertain yourself. However, this is a free platform where you can meet millions of people from all over the world.

Di dinya anjeun tiasa milih nagara, basa, sareng pilihan séjén. Nanging, anjeun kedah ngadamel akun heula teras gabung pikeun live stream. Di dinya anjeun tiasa mendakan budak awéwé sareng budak lalaki anu saé kanggo ngobrol. Upami anjeun milari tanggal online, maka ieu mangrupikeun pilihan anu pangsaéna pikeun anjeun.

You can have the option to send and receive stickers, emojis, and gifts. Moreover, you will have the option to check out the engagements on your profile. There you can check out the list of visitors, likes, matches, blocklist, and more. You can also earn money through it.

If you have a talent, then you can expose it to a huge audience. They will send gifts, stickers, and other kinds of items that you can redeem with real cash and start earning as well. You just need to check out the wallet to monitor or check your balance.

This is not only offering you a place where you can enjoy the mentioned features but also you can make some real money. In this situation, it can be very helpful for unemployed people. Mika cicing obrolan jeung Chill 5 Aplikasi mangrupikeun sababaraha aplikasi alternatif anu anjeun ogé tiasa nyobian.

Rincian App

namiImpian Hirup
ukuran217 MB
Ngaran Paketcom.topclass.audiolive
pamekarSuprakash saha
diperlukeun5.0 sareng Nepi


Here are some important points that you need to know about. These are the features that you might love to read. If you don’t know much about the platform, then these points will give you a precise look at the whole application. Let’s check out the following features.

  • Aplikasi jejaring sosial gratis pikeun minuhan budak awéwé sareng budak ti sakumna dunya.
  • Anjeun tiasa ngalakukeun obrolan sora sareng pidéo langsung.
  • You can have a live-streaming option.
  • Bagikeun bakat anjeun ka penggemar anjeun.
  • Pendak sareng damel babaturan anyar tina budaya anu béda.
  • Panganteur anu gampang sareng ramah-pangguna.
  • Basajan sareng aman dianggo.
  • Mangrupikeun platform anu pangsaéna pikeun milarian mitra.
  • Anjeun tiasa kéngingkeun artos ngalangkungan aplikasi.
  • Jeung loba deui.

Potret layar tina App

Kumaha Ngunduh sareng Pasang Dream Live Apk?

Ieu sababaraha léngkah saderhana anu anjeun kedah nuturkeun sareng nikmati fitur-fiturna. Janten, mimitina, éta dikembangkeun ku Suprakash saha anu ogé sayogi di Play Store. Kituna, anjeun ogé tiasa ngaunduh ti ditu.

Tapi pikeun ngajantenkeun langkung saderhana, kuring parantos ngabagi file paket dina halaman ieu. Anjeun ngan ukur kedah ngetok tombol unduh anu dipasihkeun dina tungtung halaman ieu. Teras pasang sareng luncurkeun kana telepon anjeun sareng pasihan sadayana idin anu diperyogikeun.

Kecap final

Upami anjeun milari aplikasi pikeun mikaresep obrolan sareng budak awéwé atanapi budak lalaki, maka anjeun kedah ngaunduh Dream Live Apk IJO. Ieu di handap aya tautan pikeun file paket.

Undeur Patalina

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